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the exterior of gold country hearing in Grass Valley, CA

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

When you come to Gold Country Hearing, you will always be welcomed by a friendly face. You won’t wait long before you are greeted by your hearing care specialist and brought back to start your appointment.

  1. Your hearing care specialist will begin your appointment with a friendly conversation. During your hearing assessment we will ask you some questions about your lifestyle, occupation, family and health history, and what your hearing goals are.
  2. After our discussion then we will perform a physical examination of your ears. We will use an otoscope to look at your ear canal and tympanic membrane.
  3. Next, you will be fit with a set of high-quality headphones inside a soundproof booth. Using an audiometer to transmit a range of sounds at various frequencies and volumes we will record your hearing ability.
  4.  After your hearing test we will discuss your results with you. Together, we will come up with a treatment plan that will improve your hearing.